Middle class dream!
While we were busy in discussing the rational property rate of Blue Ridge Hinjewadi, on my "Ravi Karandeekar's Pune Real Estate Market News Blog", on 21st and 22nd February Paranjape Schemes officially opened the booking of their 2nd township Forest Trails at Bhugaon.
Launching of 140 acre bungalow township in this recession was a shock to those who were not aware about this upcoming attraction of Paranjape Schemes. But those who had visited their website www.pscl.in , at least ones in the last six months, knew about these 200 world class bungalows.
Yes, you are right, around 40 bungalows, costing above 1.25 croer, were already booked, before the project was launched. What may have happened in this 2 day event is any body's guess.
Unfortunately, I was not keeping well, so i couldn't visit Forest Trails. Compulsory rest at home was making me more restless. Advertising on Radio City was telling me that i am missing a big event. Event of feeling good and hopeful about better life.
However, my friend visited the event. His reactions and comments only made me more curious. He said "Forest Trails is a middle class dream!" When i asked him to explain, he said, "To understand this i have to visit the site. Who can say "no" to these bungalows?" When i asked him "Did you feel like booking?" He said, "Ravi, do you think i belong to middle class?"
What is your take on "Forest Trails"?
I have realized that i have become a hostage of over protective Doctor and a cynical friend. Only you can tell me the truth. Only you can free me from the gloom and doom of recession. Did you visit Paranjape Schemes' Forest Trails? Did you enjoy the idea of owning a bungalow? Please, share your experience in the comments. (Comments Policy)Feel free to call me:
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